Legal Pages on Footer Vs. Header

Legal pages are the set of pages that contain the legal information required by law to be displayed on websites. They may include a disclaimer, terms, and conditions, privacy policy, copyright, trademark, etc. This article will discuss where you should place these legal pages: in the header or footer. But first, let’s explore this topic and its significance.
The basics
There are several reasons why you should include legal pages on your website.
First and foremost, they help to avoid mistakes that kill startups and protect your business from potential liability. If someone were to take legal action against your company, having these pages in place would help to show that you took reasonable measures to protect your rights. Online companies like can help you customize legal pages at an affordable price that contains all the essential elements needed for your company to protect its online presence.
In addition, they can also help to build trust with your audience. By including things like your privacy policy and terms of use, you’re letting visitors know that you’re committed to protecting their information and that you have rules in place for how your site can be used. This can go a long way toward establishing credibility and winning over customers.
Finally, having legal pages can also make it easier to comply with relevant laws and regulations. For example, if you’re collecting personal data from users, you’ll need to include a disclosure statement as required by law. A specific page for this ensures you’re complying with all standards.

What should be included in a legal page?
A few key items should be included on a legal page, regardless of whether they are placed in the header or footer of your website. These items are:
Privacy policy
The privacy policy is the most important document that helps your customers and visitors to browse web securely and build trust in your website. It usually includes:
- Cookies information
- What personal data your website collects, and how you manage or use that data
- Third-party policy
Every website collects information about its visitors (name, email, phone number, credit card number, etc.). If your website intends to utilize any of the data, you should mention it in your privacy policy, as this information is vital. If it falls into the hands of untrustworthy people, it can be harmful to the individual.
Your website’s disclaimer can save you from facing legal action or other unpleasant circumstances. For instance, if you own a website dedicated to skincare and someone accepts any of your skin-related advice that doesn’t work for the person and damages their skin in any way, they might legally sue you. A disclaimer stating that the information on the website is for general informational purposes only and is not legal advice can help you avoid any similar issues.
Terms and conditions
The terms and conditions of a website are important legal documents that outline the rights and responsibilities of the website owner and the users of the site. These documents can be located in the header or footer of a website, or they can be accessed through a link on the homepage.
This page outlines all the policies that visitors must agree to to use your website, services, or make purchases from you there. To put it in a somewhat more legal sense, terms and conditions reflect a contract between you and your users that defines the contractual parties’ relative rights.
A copyright notice indicating who owns the content on the website also helps in avoiding any copyright issues. You can also include other information depending on the nature of your successful business. If you own an online store, then you can also add sections like payment information, refund and return policies, shipping information, etc.
Legal pages in the footer vs. header
Before diving into the debate over whether we should place legal pages in the header or footer, let’s first know what a header and a footer are.
- Header
The header is the area at the top of your website. The header is the first thing on your website that people will see. So you should choose carefully the colors and the content you are going to add to there.
- Footer
The footer is the part of your website that comes at the bottom. As the header establishes the first impression of your website, the footer is your final opportunity to capture the attention of a potential buyer or visitor. Just like your header, remember to make sure it appears on every website page.
There are debates among web design experts about whether it is better to place legal pages on the header or footer of a website. While there are pros and cons to both approaches, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The choice of placement on a website should be based on the individual needs of the website and its users.
Let’s compare some pros and cons of both.

Legal pages on header
Some designers argue that placing legal pages in the header is a good idea because it makes them more visible to users. This can be beneficial if users need to access these pages frequently, such as for terms of service or privacy policy information. However, others contend that this can clutter the design and make it more difficult for users to find the content they want.
Another advantage is that it can help improve your search engine optimization (SEO). When search engines see that you have links to important pages like these in your header, they may view your site as being more reputable. This may improve search engine rankings.
Legal pages on footer
Footers are another popular location for legal pages. Many web admins are inclined to put them at the bottom of every page, either as a submenu or by attaching them as links. This placement can keep the header clean and uncluttered while making the information accessible to users.
One downside is that users have to scroll down the page to see them. So, this is not the best way to go about things because these legal pages are essential for a website’s credibility. However, if you choose the footer, there are still some things you can do to make it more visible. For example, you can use larger font sizes or add icons next to the links.
Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer when deciding whether to place legal pages in the header or footer. Depending on the aesthetics of your website and the nature of the information being conveyed, you can choose either option. The rest does not matter much as long as it is readable and serves its purpose.
Deciding whether to put legal pages in the header or footer is tough, as both locations have advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, it is up to the website owner to decide where to place their legal pages. Consider what’s most important for your website and decide based on that. However, it is important to ensure that these documents are easily accessible to all users so that everyone knows their rights and responsibilities.